Andrew Pairman
Andrew is a designer at Cyber-Duck. He's involved at most stages of their User-Centred Design process from conducting user research studies to user interface design and developing prototypes. He graduated from the Digital Interaction Design course at Dundee University with his final year project, The Social Jukebox, being featured by The Verge and Designboom. A regular attendee at hackathons, he was a winner at Hackthon Central and a finalist at Battlehack.
Workshop: An introduction to user centred design and the connected home
This workshop delves into the core principles of user centred design and how it can help designers, developers and product owners build better experiences for their users. Our subject this year takes on the IoT movement. We're aiming to take you out of your comfort zone and embrace the physical world by designing a web/smartphone app for an internet connected dishwasher.
By putting our user at the centre of our design process we can create better and more delightful experiences. Through hands-on activities we will explore techniques for implementing a more agile UCD process from researching and effectively gathering requirements to prototyping, testing and refining designs when faced with constraints such as budget and time.
You'll learn:
- To consider the internet as a physical object that isn't just confined to a screen
- Outline of system designs, API limitations and the role of a UX professional within
- The importance of user research driven design and how to gather user requirements
- How to create flow of control diagrams
- How to storyboard app screens, use components and build pattern libraries
- Adam Connor
- Andrew Pairman
- Angel Anderson
- Anthony Mann
- Brad Frost
- Cecilia Weckstrom
- Chris Noessel
- Cyd Harrell
- Danny Bluestone
- Des Traynor
- Google UX Mentors
- Jeff Patton
- Jenna Marino
- John Willshire
- Jon Kolko
- Julie Zhuo
- Karen McGrane
- Kim Goodwin
- Meng To
- Patrick Haney
- Rachel Hinman
- Sophie Dennis
- Stephen Anderson
- Steve Cable
- Tom Coates